The Value of a Daily Ritual

TK Mullins
4 min readApr 26, 2021

Our habits determine who we are

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

I picked up an excellent book recently titled, Daily Rituals, How Artists Work, by Mason Currey. Essentially, Mr. Currey collected the daily rituals of artists and how they create their art through a series of daily ritualistic behaviors. I found it fascinating to learn how these artistic geniuses worked on their craft. The author investigated nearly every creative endeavor. This forced me to explore whether there existed a formula to develop a ritualistic approach to my endeavors both from a business as well as a personal perspective. If I could create the perfect daily ritual, what would this mean for me and how could I use this to improve?

The book made me think of how valuable rituals were to these dedicated professionals. I began to wonder if we all could implement a daily ritual in our work lives as well as our personal lives. How would this impact our level of productivity? My assumption is many of us practice a daily ritual without consciously know it. It would be hard to believe that any of us get up every morning and go through the motions with a completely different routine each day. Humans are creatures of habit and tend to follow the same or similar routine daily. The journey to self-improvement must begin with adherence to a daily routine.



TK Mullins

An aspiring author getting a late start. I’ve walked around for years with stories dancing in my head. Time to get them down on paper.